V-Festival – The Friday
Friday 19th: finishing touches to all rides and stalls, dance tent, and stages, you can feel the excitement building, music being played at different volumes, a real hotch potch of noise. The Festival goers are let in at around 10.30am and slowly but surely the site started to fill up. Lots of smiling faces, looking like they just want to put their tents up, and get started on a fantastic weekend of music, dance and fun. We opened our stall at around 12.30pm and stayed open until 6.30pm, quite a few people were curious about us and came over for a chat, after which, they got what we were there for and what we were about. Everybody we spoke to had had experience of Dementia with a family member, neighbour, or a family member of someone they knew, this was the case all over the weekend. I really hope that some, if not all the people we spoke to over this weekend get back in touch with us through the website, Facebook or email. Very heavy rain on and off throughout late afternoon and evening.